For my group presentation on the television show Seinfeld, we focused on four main questions. 1. How did Seinfeld portray "Radical Romance?" 2.What aspects of American culture is Seinfeld presenting? 3.Is Seinfeld "Modern or Post-Modern?" and lastly, Are they the "norm" or the "other?" Of these four questions I chose to discuss for our presentation on the Radical Romantic aspect of the television show.
For my part of the episode of "The Beard," I chose to focus on the homosexuality aspect of these scenes that we presented. I chose to relate Michel Foucault's argument about homosexuals in "The History of Sexuality" of the "specification of individuals," with the scenes that we presented of Jerry and Elaine discussing on the idea of conversion. Through this comparison I argued that Foucault is presenting the idea that homosexuality is biological and in comparison to what happens in the episode, Seinfeld supports to this argument by Elaine's inability to convert. I was happy to have the class respond to my question whether homosexuality is biological or is it possible to convert or condition a person to become heterosexual.
I was very lucky to be in a group that was so dedicated and focused to make this into a perfect presentation that represented what we have learned so far in this class. Everyone had a role and I am very happy to say that we all completed our duties as a group member. I really enjoyed working with my group members and on this fun and unique presentation about Seinfeld.
Foucault, Michel. "The History of Sexuality." Print. 683-91.